1)What is your opinion about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases? I gree whith the legalization of the abortion in the 3 cases. Nonetheless, I think the abortion it has to be without any restriction, because obiously the women own their body, and the women should can decide if want to have a baby or not. I think the motherhood is a decision, not an obligation. The feminist movement fight for the motherhood be a decision and is wonderful. 2) What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians? I think the Chilean politicians don´t have ideology, they say to people like to listen and that I don´t like that. I would like they have conventions, and they worry for the people in the condition of vulnerability for build a best country, but now the Chilean politicians only want money. 3) What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets? I disagree, becuase I think that exist many pets in the street and this pet doesn´t have food or home, and...
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